Pre Primary School

“Early years are all about playing and learning the basics of the alphabet and numbers !!”
“Isn’t it??”

This appears to be the prevalent thought process of the vast majority of our population. We’ve always thought of pre-school education as a simple, everyday task that doesn’t have to be carefully planned or carried out and may not even have any important cognitive effects.

However, research has shown that over the years, Early Childhood Education requires a lot more sincerity and a highly scientific approach. Early years form the building blocks of a child’s lifelong physical, emotional, cognitive, and social development. All parts of a child’s growth cycle are important and need careful planning to make sure the child grows up well in all ways.

We, at FFGS, not only recognise the importance of these aspects but also work on each of them while nurturing our kids.

The foundation years at FFGS, comprising grades Nursery to Sr.Kg where we follow a thematic curriculum, provide the children with an opportunity to explore and enhance various skills and concepts. The development of linguistic, cognitive, psychomotor, and aesthetic skills is our primary focus, and the thematic curriculum gives adequate scope for this.

The student-to-teacher ratio of 1:24 with a mother teacher and an assistant teacher ensures that the child is well taken care of and blooms in a safe, comfortable, caring, and protective environment that is absolutely stress-free.

The main features are:

A system of continuous assessment of the child’s progress is carried out, and a record of the child’s response, behavior, and development is maintained.

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